Edlund & Partners

Owner taxation

Owner taxation

An important focus for Edlund & Partners is owner-managed companies and their owners. Tax is always a central issue and varies depending on the phase you and your company are in. It takes both knowledge and experience to know what is optimal for you and your company at a certain time.

Through our international collaborations and networks, we can also assist you with operations in other countries with international tax issues.

At Edlund & Partners, you can, for example, get help with the following tax issues:

  • Correct payroll
  • Profit calculation
  • Creation of declaration
  • Correct pension provision
  • Tax optimize dividends/Strategies for owner withdrawals
  • Advice on ownership structures and ownership changes
  • Internal share transfer
  • Restructuring
  • Purchase and sale of companies
  • Establishment abroad
  • Generation changes
  • Tax audits and processes
  • Tax issues when converting a sole proprietorship/trading company to a limited company

Corporate taxation

Corporate taxation

In order to detect and anticipate tax risks and opportunities, it is important to continuously analyze the company’s situation, which is a demanding challenge in a constantly changing tax environment.

We tailor our advice to your needs. Through proactive work and the leading advisors, we make it possible for companies and shareholders to pay the correct tax and to have the tax situation optimized. Within corporate taxation, we primarily work with tax issues relating to limited companies, groups and owner-managed companies.

At Edlund & Partners, you can get help with the following tax issues, among other things:

  • Tax strategies: identification of tax exposure and tax risks in business acquisitions
  • Planning and implementation of restructuring
  • Group taxation issues
  • Mergers and fissions
  • Tax returns
  • Tax audits and processes
  • Advice on spin-offs, business acquisitions and sales of companies
  • Foreign establishment
  • Review of the current group structure for tax optimization
  • Equalization profit and loss
  • Deficit management
  • Incentive program



For many, VAT rules are perceived as complicated and unclear, while at the same time it is a tax that affects almost all companies and organizations.

We do analyzes and investigations to meet all your difficulties and ambitions. With our advisers’ broad competence, we can offer your company help with the VAT issues that are current in your company.

Thanks to our strong networks both in Sweden and internationally, our advisers help you regardless of whether it concerns national or international issues.

At Edlund & Partners, you can get help with, among other things, the following VAT questions:

  • Purchase and sale of goods and services
  • Right of deduction for input VAT
  • Property-related VAT issues, VAT liability of financial services
  • Establishment of operations abroad
  • VAT registration and ongoing reporting of VAT in Sweden
  • Support in VAT processes and investigations

Excise duties

Excise duties

Excise taxes are taxes for specially selected goods or services. The regulations for excise taxes are often considered difficult to understand, which in turn makes practical application difficult.

Examples of Swedish excise taxes that we handle within the framework of our services:

  • Alcohol tax
  • Tobacco tax
  • Advertising tax
  • Environmental taxes
  • Energy tax